If you wonder sometimes what life is all about or what your purpose is, then this is for you:
The purpose of life IS life. The purpose of your mind is to make life better for those who live today and tomorrow. Including yourself.
If you accept that the purpose of life is life, then you don’t need a special reason for being here. You don’t have to justify your existence to anyone. Not even to yourself. No matter how broken you are: you are here, and that’s all life expects from you.
If you agree that the purpose of your mind is to make life better for others and yourself, you give your mind direction. It can help you decide what to do, how to act and even who to trust. In small and in big ways.
You decide
Every time we pause and use our mind to think before we act, we can improve life. And, if enough of us make the right choices often enough, then life will improve in many small and big ways. Not just for us, but for all life on earth.
You can move a stick from a footpath so no one will stumble. You can decide not to post a hurtful comment. You can chose to do your work to the best of your abilities. You can decide to properly look after those who rely on you. You can act to improve conditions, fight injustice, entertain people, save the environment or you can help invent a cure which will save millions of lives, if you have the skills to do so. You can chose not to trust those, who do not have the interest of others at heart. And you can decide to accept the help you need, so others can provide that help to you.
This belief system is called Zenja.
Its name combines the modern meaning of the words Zen and Ninja. As part of Zenja the word Zen means to think actively. The word Ninja today describes those who are very good at a chosen skill. Combined the words mean that a Zenja will try their best to think before they act to make sure that their actions are in line with the purpose of the mind: to make life better.
Zenja is designed to unify – not to divide. Whether you are religious, atheist, agnostic, scientific, ethical, humanist or a bit of everything – it should work for you. Its principles can be found at the core of all the major religions, in evolutionary science, in ethics and in humanism. They form a common denominator which can bring us together in the quest for a better life.
I believe that the more people follow the simple principles of Zenja, the better life will become for all of us. And not just for us, but for all life on earth.
Join Zenja now so we can start making life better, together.
Steffan Klein
Why separate purposes for life and mind? Find out more here.
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Comments 1
I am intrigued by your message. It is similar to the movement the author Karen Armstrong started with her Charter for Compassion. Thank you for trying to make the world a better place.